
The word for cacao (cocoa in Spanishi) is thought to have been created by the Olmec Indians whom historical linguistical investigations indicate may have been using the term around 1000 BC Mayan Indians were the first to create a beverage from cocoa.The Aztecs had their own drink as well, and reserved cocoa consumption for warriors and nobility. They used cocoa for nutritional purposes, but also as a form of currency. There was much emphasis placed on the importance and sanctity of cocoa. Their drink was spicy and bitter, made from roasted and ground cocoa beans that they turned into a paste. This was then mixed with water and maize, and flavored with chilies, then beat into froth. The drink was called 'xocoatl' (pronounced 'shoco-latle'). The drink was served in solid gold goblets to the Aztec ruler Montezuma and his court. The cups would be used only once before being tossed into the lake.
Criollo - This variety is native to Central America . It is very small, fragile and sensitive to disease, making it harder to grow than other varieties. The pods are usually red, yellow or orange in color and the beans have a fine flavor. This variety dominated the market until the middle of the 18 th century, and today only about 10-15% of cacao trees are Criollo.Forastero - The origin of this variety is in the Amazon basin. They are easier to grow, but they have a more bitter taste than Criollo. They are a large group to which the Amelonado belong, which are yellow pods native to the lower Amazon. About 70% of the cacao trees today are Forastero. Ecuador 's cacao Nacional is included in this group.Trinitario - Originates from the island of Trinidad as well as the areas mentioned for the other two varieties. This is a cross between Criollo and Forastero. It has been introduced to Central Africa , as well as many other parts of the world. About 15-20% of the cacao trees today belong to this variety!!!


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